The identity
We absorbed our name and our iconography of the Catholic religious context, given that Dalmática’s entry and growth in the conservation and restoration market was established through that specific niche: the recovery of religious heritage.

Our name
Dalmática is the vestment of the Deacon, whose name means “the servant” in Greek. Now, serving is exactly the main purpose of Dalmática, hence the choice seemed unequivocal when the company was founded.

Our icon
As for the choice of fish for the company’s image, it appears with evident inspiration in the symbology used by the first Christians in references to Jesus. The fish is the most primitive symbol of Christianity, prior to the cross itself, having arisen at the time of the formation of the first Christian communities, during the persecutions of Christians by the Roman Empire. It is speculated that this symbol was chosen for two particular reasons:
– As an acronym, fish is a confession of faith. In Greek, the language in which Christianity first spread, the word fish – IKTUS – was the combination of the initials of the designation Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior.
– Given that the cult was not public, the need arose to create a way for Christians to assert themselves as such and to resort to a hidden symbol that would allow them to avoid persecution.

Our color
Gray is actually the absence of color. It alludes to the fact that we believe that a
conservative’s intervention should be as minimal and silent as possible.
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